#69 Cole 'Playboy' Cordell

28 y/o from Middletown, DE. I remember buying my first speedball marker back in 2010, a Dangerous Power G3 SE from a local field "Crims Graveyard". I played some 5man previously (2011-2013) but with work and other hobbies quickly walked away from the sport, until 2022 when I decided to do a walk on day at Maple Shade with a large group for my birthday and quickly came running back to this sport remembering everything I loved about it!


#10 Jon 'Toxic' Pannell

I’m 27 year old from Elkton, MD. I got a taste of this sport when I was just 10 years old. Throughout the years, I would play from time to time until around my junior year in high school when I got heavily involved with playing and working in the paintball industry. In 2017, I joined the army and that took my time and attention way from the game. In 2022, I got out of the service and decided to check out any local paintball facilities. I came across OXCC and that’s all it took for me to remember how much love I had for the sport. The loud, fast-pace and adrenaline rushed feeling on the field with my brothers is more than just paintball. It’s an obsession. 


#7 JC "Plati Daddi' Wissler

#9 John 'Fish Daddy' Fisher

26 y/o from Wilmington, DE. In 2011, I purchased a Tippmann 98 Custom for my first marker. I installed a double trigger and an A5 hopper, which I thought was the coolest marker ever created. A year later, I purchased a Smart Parts Ion from a classmate in high school and was quickly introduced to the world of electric markers. In 2014, I took an 8 year hiatus to focus on school and my career. In 2022, I was invited to Cole’s walk on day at Maple Shade and realized how much I had truly missed the sport. A few weeks later, Cole and I signed up for a 2 man tournament and discussed our mutual dream of starting a legitimate team one day. The rest is history.


#99 Chris 'Pew Pew' Pugh

26 y/o from Elkton, MD. I just recently started playing in 2022 because Jon wanted me to come out and play at OXCC. I didn’t really think I’d like the sport that much until I got my hands on my gtek170r and fell in love with the marker, not much longer after that and I fell in love with the sport. I meet a lot of new friends through paintball then Jon & I started talking about starting our own team then we meet Cole, Fisher, and JC & they had the same idea, now we are Invictus!! Can’t wait to see what comes next. 


#59 Eli 'Wetto' Borkoski


#88 Evan 'Cookies' Roberts 


#75 Justice 'Big Papa' Blizzard

#22 Aaron 'Chino' Marchincin

#17 Logan 'Decoy' Marchincin

#33 Mark 'Mort' Mortimer

#1 Brandon 'Sasquatch' Veasey